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Meet Susan Haberer

December 01, 2022 Employee Spotlights, SSAI in the News

We close out 2022 with Susan Haberer for our December SSAI Spotlight. Susan has a diverse set of interests; did you know she creates figurines with clay? (Check out the puffins below!) It sounds like she’ll be spending time in New Zealand in the not-too-distant future. And she’s making some heads hurt with the most interesting fact she knows!

Take a few minutes to get to know Susan! 

Where did you grow up? Western New York State

Did you have a summer job while in high school or college? When I was 12 or 13, I spent the summer picking tomatoes. Field work is hard.

What is your current role at work? I am the Team Lead of the ASDC Metadata Quality team.

What excites you most about your work?  I love coding, finding bugs and fixing code. 

If you weren’t working in the field you are right now, what other job would you be interested in trying? Potter/Clay Artist, Astronomer

What is your favorite hobby?
I do pottery in my spare time. I was looking for something to do creatively and found classes at a local museum. I started around 2004.

What got you on the path to where you are now? My older brother liked to say I got my NASA job because of him. He was very interested in NASA when we were growing up. 

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Finishing my bachelors as it took a while. 

What’s your dream vacation location? New Zealand. I am a big Tolkien fan so I would love to see the locations where the Lord of the Rings movies were filmed. 

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be? Edinburgh Scotland. Their statues are for literary figures. And it’s beautiful. 

What is your claim to fame? I was in the Gulf War parade and carried my squadron flag. 

What is the most important lesson you feel you’ve learned? You can choose the kind of day you are going to have. Decide to have a good day. 

Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years? Retired and visiting New Zealand. 

If you could time travel, what time period would be the first you’d want to visit? 5,000 years into the future. Just to see what’s what. 

What excites you about supporting our customers? I am very excited by the work we do at the ASDC to assist scientists in understanding our atmosphere and the challenges of climate change.

What’s your most repeated movie quote or phrase? PO – TA – TOES. Boil ‘em, Mash ‘em, stick ‘em in a stew. (Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)

What is your most useless talent? I have really good aim, but am not a shooter, guns or otherwise. 

What is something you feel is underrated? Naps

What do you wish you knew more about? Astronomy

What fictional place would you most like to go? Middle-earth

What is the most interesting fact you know? The word “buffalo” can be used to create a full sentence. 

Thanks Susan, for letting us get to know you a little better!