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Artist depiction of the Dragonfly octocopter on the surface of Mars

Congratulations to the Ocellus Lidar Team!

October 25, 2022 Company News, Instrument Engineering, Planetary Science, Science Research & Development, Software Engineering, Spaceflight Development, Technical Accomplishment, Technical Highlight, Technology Development

Congratulations to the Ocellus Lidar Team for a successful completion of a Preliminary Design Review!

Mike Roza - Electrical Systems Lead for GOES-R Satellite FSW

Countdown to GOES-T Launch: Interview with SSAI’s Michael Roza

February 28, 2022 Earth Science, Employee Spotlights, Instrument Engineering, SSAI in the News, Spaceflight Development

As we countdown to go-time for the GOES-T satellite, we sat down with SSAI’s Mike Roza to get his thoughts on the upcoming launch.

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SSAI Provided Critical Software and Science Algorithm Development Support to the CLARREO Pathfinder (CPF) Mission

April 01, 2020 Earth Science, Software Engineering, Spaceflight Development, Technical Accomplishment, Technical Highlight, Technology Development

SSAI provided mission software and science algorithm development and logistical support for the CPF project’s Critical Design Review (CDR).