Web / App Development

Web/App Development Summary


SSAI offers a full set of Web Design and application development services for science, engineering, and data-based projects, including web graphic design; user interface design; standard and custom coding, user experience design; search engine optimization, and website analytics support. We employ multiple website development teams with years of collective experience, who use their expertise to maximize user experience on desktops, laptops, and mobile devices.  Our skills and professionalism are showcased on GLOBE.gov and mynasadata.larc.nasa.gov, among numerous other customer and government agency websites.


Major Accomplishments

SSAI-staffed Langley Communications Team Transitioned, Consolidated, and Redesigned Dozens of Websites for NASA Langley’s Science Directorate. 

SSAI Redesigned Dozens of Websites for NASA Langley’s Science Directorate. 

Over the past 18 months, SSAI’s Langley communications team worked side-by-side with NASA Langley’s Science Directorate management and science teams to transfer dozens of websites to new platforms.  In the process, numerous pages and sites were updated with consistent, user-friendly designs that incorporate the latest design, animation, and visualization technologies.  Simultaneously, many other pages/sites were consolidated or retired to lessen the Science Directorate’s digital footprint.

To begin, SSAI’s Langley communications team added ‘People Profiles’ to the Science Directorate’s web presence. These profiles highlight Science Directorate employees, their expertise, and their accomplishments. This addition is intended to be a resource for cross-center, internal, or external collaborations and also serves as a great indicator for Subject Matter Expert searches. The SSAI Langley communications team continues to maintain the page and add new profiles as needed. In addition, the Science Directorate website was also redesigned with updated content including the development of multiple Storymaps on the Science Directorate’s core capabilities: Lidar, Air Quality, Atmospheric Composition and Radiation, and Climate.

While a countless number of efficacious development and redesign efforts were expertly completed for Langley’s Science Directorate, the 2020 Annual Report is worthy of particular mention. SSAI personnel developed and published the Science Directorate’s 2020 Annual Report online using various multimedia and interactive elements that communicate highlights and provide a clear summary of ‘who we are’ and ‘what we do.’ The report was such a success, Langley’s Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO), Catherine Prohaska, shared it as an example of how other NASA organizations can and should use the Langley communications team’s resources to create informational and innovative websites. 

CIO Catherine Prohaska had this to say about the SSAI team’s efforts: “It is getting lots of positive feedback here at the Center, with many similar comments like ‘That is transformative! Love the messaging, the interactive graphics, and the web-based presentation. Other orgs should consider producing similar reports!’”; while Sandra Cauffman, Deputy Director for the Earth Science Division at NASA Headquarters commented “I wanted to thank you for sending the LaRC annual report. I just have to add “WOW.” So many accomplishments! Congratulations."

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In The News

SSAI-staffed Worldview Team Release New, Popular Embed Feature

The SSAI- and ASRC-staffed Worldview team added a new feature that allows users to embed and interact with Worldview images in any online environment

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Related Capabilities

Software Engineering
Information Technology