A true passion for science led to SSAI’s founding as a one-person company.

From that humble beginning, SSAI has grown organically to the organization it is today. SSAI founders Om and Sara Bahethi have worked over the past four decades to create and maintain a company culture that supports a spirit of scientific exploration and innovation, respect for our planet and its environment, and a desire to make things better for humankind.

The family-centered values that were so important at our company's beginning remain a central part of SSAI’s current company culture. These values are reflected in the way SSAI leadership treats its employees and how employees are expected to treat each other and our customers. This enduring culture allows SSAI to attract and retain highly qualified scientists, engineers, programmers, and researchers to support our customers' most challenging missions and achieve their loftiest goals.

SSAI Founders Om and Sara Bahethi

SSAI History

  • 1970s
    SSAI’s earliest work included development of photochemical models to study high-altitude ozone means and variances from sensors onboard Nimbus.
  • 1980s
    Under SSAI’s first contract supporting NOAA, staff generated environmental data products from GOES and POES satellites.
  • 1990s
    SSAI researchers developed, implemented, and validated algorithms to estimate global precipitation using TRIMM data and created multi-satellite precipitation products, providing a long-term data set for climate studies.
  • 2000s
    SSAI began providing critical mission support, algorithm and software development, and science data processing for satellites in the  A-Train constellation including CloudSat, CALIPSO, Aura, and Aqua.
  • 2010s
    SSAI began adapting technology from two proven instruments (CATS & SAGE III) into next generation instruments to study aerosols in Earth’s ozone, as well as providing  comprehensive modeling and assimilation expertise in support of climate studies.
  • 2020 & Beyond
    With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and a sudden shift to nearly 100% remote work, SSAI staff continue to thrive and innovate as we reimagine how we will serve our customers into the future.

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