One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services – Small Business (OASIS SB)

OASIS One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services – Small Business (OASIS SB) is designed to address agencies’ need for a full range of service requirements that integrate multiple professional service disciplines and ancillary services/products with the flexibility for all contract types and pricing at the task order level.

OASIS Overview

OASIS Small Business (SB) contracts provide flexible and innovative solutions for complex professional services. These contracts:

  • Span many areas of expertise and mission spaces;
  • Span multiple professional service disciplines;
  • Allow flexibility for all contract types, including hybrids and cost-reimbursement, at the task order level; and
  • Allow ancillary support components, commonly referred to as Other Direct Costs (ODC), at the task order level


The core disciplines of the contract include:

  • Program management services
  • Management consulting services
  • Logistics services
  • Engineering services
  • Scientific services
  • Financial management services


OASIS SB is a family of 7 separate Government-wide Multiple Award, Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (MA-IDIQ) task order contracts that span 29 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Codes and 6 NAICS Code Exceptions under the economic subsector 541, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services.


Each of the 7 separate MA-IDIQ task order contracts are individually referred to as “Pools” within OASIS SB. This OASIS SB MA-IDIQ task order contract falls under Pool 5B in accordance with Section H.4.1.


The services provided under OASIS SB are intended to meet the professional service mission requirements of all Federal agencies, including all organizations within the Department of Defense (DoD) and National Security Community.


For more information on OASIS SB, see:  


Contractor Capabilities for OASIS

Regardless of the particular area of expertise or mission space of the agency originating the requirement, OASIS SB may be used to support and/or improve an organization’s Program Management, Management Consulting, Engineering, Scientific, Logistics, and Financial disciplines that span all life cycle phases for a total integrated solution.

For task orders placed under OASIS SB, professional services may be defined as those categories of services provided under one or more of the following Core Disciplines:


Program Management Services: Includes all services related to leading, facilitating, and ensuring the strategic planning, implementation, coordination, integration, and evaluation of programmatic activities and administrative systems.


  1. Acquisition Support
  2. Business Intelligence Support
  3. Cost/Schedule/Performance Analysis
  4. Cost Estimation and Analysis
  5. Cost/Performance Trade-Off Analysis and Studies
  6. Earned Value Management (EVM) Analysis
  7. E-Business Support
  8. Information Analytics
  9. Investigative Services
  10. Program Management
  11. Integrated Program Management
  12. Program Documentation
  13. Project Management
  14. Regulatory Compliance
  15. Risk Assessment and Mitigation
  16. Integration of Support Systems
  17. Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution Processes
  18. Capabilities Integration and Development
  19. Manpower Estimating
  20. Stakeholder Requirements Analysis
  21. Decision Analysis
  22. Technical Planning
  23. Technical Assessment
  24. Requirements Management
  25. Risk Management
  26. Configuration Management
  27. Technical Data Management
  28. Interface Management
  29. Intelligence Analysis
  30. Threat Analysis
  31. Knowledge Based Acquisition
  32. Vulnerability Assessment
  33. Counterintelligence Support
  34. Horizontal Protection


Management Consulting Services: Includes all services related to the practice of helping organizations to improve their performance, primarily through the analysis of existing organizational problems and development of plans for improvement.


  1. Business Process Reengineering
  2. Business Case Development Support
  3. Change Management
  4. Concept Development and Requirements Analysis
  5. Cost/Schedule/Performance Improvement
  6. Information Analytics
  7. Knowledge Management
  8. Relations and Coordination with Law and Policy Making Entities
  9. Social Media Consulting
  10. Tactical and Readiness Planning
  11. Technical Advisory Services
  12. Training and Facilitation
  13. Strategic Planning
  14. Strategic Forecasting
  15. Long-Range Planning, Futures, and Forecasting
  16. Strategy Development


Scientific Services: Includes all services that are primarily involved in the application of comprehensive scientific and professional knowledge in planning, conducting, evaluating, and managing fundamental research, knowledge enhancement, and/or technology development and innovation.


  1. Environmental Sciences
  2. Engineering Sciences
  3. Life Sciences
  4. Physical Sciences
  5. Psychological Sciences
  6. Mathematical Sciences
  7. Social Sciences
  8. Decision Support Sciences


Engineering Services: Includes any service or creative work, the adequate performance of which requires education, training, and experience in the application of special knowledge in consulting, investigating, evaluating, planning, and designing engineering principles. Engineering Services covered by the Brooks Architect-Engineers Act (40 U.S.C. 1102) are not covered in the primary scope of OASIS SB.


  1. Systems Engineering
  2. Advanced Technology Pilots and Trials
  3. Alternative Energy Sources and Engineering
  4. Configuration Management
  5. Concept Development
  6. Design Documentation and Technical Data
  7. Energy Services to include Management Planning and Strategies, Audit Services and Metering
  8. Engineering (Aeronautical, Astronautical, Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgy/Materials, etc.)
  9. Engineering Process Improvement
  10. Environmental Management
  11. Environmental Consulting and Remediation
  12. Human Factors/Usability Engineering
  13. Independent Verification and Validation
  14. Integration
  15. Interoperability
  16. Life Cycle Management
  17. Modeling and Simulation
  18. Natural Resources Management
  19. Operation and Maintenance or Direct Support of an existing Weapon System or Major System
  20. Prototyping and Fabrication Support
  21. Quality Assurance
  22. Red Teaming and Wargaming
  23. Requirements Analysis
  24. System Design
  25. System Integration
  26. System Safety Engineering
  27. Test and Evaluation
  28. Technical Documentation
  29. Mission Assurance
  30. Data Analytics
  31. Architecture Design
  32. System Verification and Validation
  33. Human Systems Integration
  34. Baseline (Configuration) Management
  35. Data Management
  36. Risk Management
  37. Technical Planning
  38. Systems Engineering Training
  39. System Security and Information Assurance
  40. System Effectiveness and Analysis
  41. Launch Processing and Verification
  42. Software Development (for non-IT requirements)
  43. Software Independent Verification and Validation (for non-IT requirements)
  44. Radar Engineering
  45. Optical Engineering
  46. Communications Engineering


Logistics Services: Logistics Services includes the management of the flow of resources, not only goods, between the point of origin and the point of destination in order to meet the requirements of organizations. Logistics Services involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling, packaging, security, and any other function necessary to the flow of resources.


  1. Analysis and Recommendation of Support Equipment
  2. Deployment Logistics
  3. Disaster Management/Contingency Operations
  4. Distribution and Transportation Logistics Services
  5. Infrastructure Services Including Transportation and Delivery
  6. Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) Technical Requirement Creation
  7. ILS Risk Assessments
  8. ILS Schedules Creation and Performance Tracking
  9. Inventory Management
  10. Logistical Studies and Evaluations
  11. Logistics Design
  12. Logistics Management and Support Services
  13. Logistics Operations Support
  14. Logistics Operations and Maintenance
  15. Logistics Optimization
  16. Logistics Training Services
  17. Repair and Alteration
  18. Security
  19. Supply Chain Management and Provisioning
  20. Value Chain Management
  21. Technology and Industrial Base Analysis
  22. Test Range Support
  23. Life Cycle Sustainment
  24. Supportability Analysis and Implementation
  25. Integrated Logistics Support


Financial Management Services: Financial Management Services includes the planning, directing, monitoring, organizing, and controlling of the monetary resources of an organization.


  1. Budget Analysis and Tracking
  2. Business Information Services
  3. Cost Estimating and Analysis Support
  4. Cost Performance Risk Assessments
  5. Disbursement and Reconciliation Support
  6. Financial and Financial Risk Analysis
  7. Financial Management, Accounting, and Auditing Services
  8. Impact Statement Development
  9. Program Management for Financial Services
  10. Program Objective Memorandum (POM) Creation and Documentation
  11. Oversight and Fraud Detection
  12. Safeguarding Personal Data
  13. Loan Management
  14. Grant Management
  15. Economic Analysis
  16. Return on Investment Analysis
  17. Life Cycle Cost Determination
  18. Total Ownership Cost Determination
  19. Affordability Analysis
  20. Analysis of Cost Alternatives
  21. Should-Cost Determinations

OASIS Information

OASIS SB Conformed Contract (through latest modification)

Contract Number: GS00Q14OADS615
DUNS Number: 087694808
Cage Code: 5S009


SSAI OASIS-SB Program Manager (COPM)
Jeff Shull
(402) 980-8045


SSAI OASIS-SB Contract Manager (COCM)
Erika Barmash
(301) 867-6316


SSAI Headquarters:
10210 Greenbelt Road, Suite 600 | Lanham, Maryland 20706
(301) 867-2000

SSAI Hampton, VA Office:
1 Enterprise Parkway, Suite 200 | Hampton, Virginia 23666
(757) 951-1600

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